We all know that Latin American culture knows how to do food. Some of the cuisine from different Latin American countries often make it on the tables of cultures other than their own. Dive into ...
Holiday traditions are underway! Each culture has its own unique way to celebrate the holidays. In Puerto Rican culture, Parrandas are a way to bring family and friends together through music, food, and parties. If ...
We are all seeking a sense of normalcy right now. With everything going on around us, including a pandemic, we seek the little things that make us feel normal, comforted, and safe. For many mujeres ...
It has always been a goal of mine to spend Christmas in Puerto Rico. The island usually starts preparing and celebrating in the Fall. For some people preparing in October and November is way too ...
In April I attended the Bad Bunny concert at Madison Square Garden in New York City. One of his first concerts stops on the X100 Pre (Por Siempre) tour. The famous arena known across ...
What keeps Benito Antonio Martinez Ocasio or Bad Bunny, as he’s known to the world, on the rise as one of the most influential artists in not only musica urbana, but as a successful crossover ...
Slowly but surely Hispanics are remaking America and Latinas have a powerful influence in this change. From Latinas in film and media to Latinas in politics there are plenty of women that have put their ...