Winter Skincare Routine for Glowing Skin


Dry cracked skin? Makeup not sitting right? Feeling itchy and rough? Yep, the seasons are changing and so is your skin. If you live in an area that hosts the 4 seasons, your skin will go through some changes along with the leaves on the trees. No se puede evitar in the Fall & Winter and there is really no getting away from that. Personally, I look forward to this, but then again, my face is an oil slick from spring to fall so any help with drying up my skin a little is a welcomed change. Keeping the rest of my skin moisturized all year long is definitely a challenge for me as well. That being said, here are some tips on top to toe moisture without overwhelming yourself. 


Make sure you wash your face 2x per day with a gentle face wash. It’s important to switch up what you use in the colder weather because the light formulations you used in the summer won’t quite cut it when the tightness sets in. Es buena idea to follow up right after washing with a sheet mask. Using moisturizing masks and moisturizer/serum when your skin is still damp helps to lock in moisture all day.

Finding the right moisturizer for your changing skin will depend on the type of skin you’re starting out with. They come in a wide variety all promising to give you that fresh-faced glowing from within look you’re searching for. Read your products though. You don’t want to end up buying a cream that’s made for super dry skin when you’re only teetering on combination skin for the colder seasons. Se te pone la cara grasosa? Entonces buy a moisturizer that won’t clog your pores. Using a moisturizer twice a day, in the morning and in the evening will help keep your skin balanced, not allowing it to overreact with oil, redness and other problems.

If you stop right there, it wouldn’t be a horrible thing but if I’m being honest (and you know I am) you should really incorporate a thick eye cream. If you don’t already use an eye cream, no time like the present to start taking care of that delicate skin around your eyes. A cream feels great in the evening but during the day, for makeup’s sake, a gel-based product will also do the trick. The point is to not skimp on this step.

Do your lips get dry, cracked, and peel? Yeah, mine too. I find that a lip scrub will get the flaky chapped skin off your lips in record time. Exfoliating your lips is not something everyone thinks of but, OMG it is the way to go in the winter. Follow up with a lip balm & your kisser stays kissable (bonus!)

So, we’ve covered how to treat and protect our face and neck but what about the rest of your body? I did say Glowing SKIN in the title, didn’t I? Let’s keep going and make sure you’re silky smooth so your holiday dresses, skirts, and strappy NYE sandals look THAT much better on you. Para que hasta tu misma te veas como chuleria en pote.


Exfoliating your skin is essential in your skincare moisturizing routine. See, dead skin cells sit on top of your skin, trapping dirt and oils and just looking plain dull. Exfoliating your skin in the shower is the best thing you can do to keep it from suffocating. Using a luffa sponge, exfoliating cream, or even a washcloth, will help scrub free all the yuck and expose all the yum. It’s a great idea to make this a habit before you shave anyway since this will get you a closer shave (learning new stuff, already aren’t you?!). This step will make your legs as smooth as glass.

Now I know that with the colder winds, rain and snow we all love to take a hot shower or hot bath to soothe away the days stress and relax BUT it’s important to point out that if it’s too hot, you will dry your skin out more. Try to keep the hot water under scalding so you don’t create more problems like dandruff from dry scalp and scaly elbows and feet.

Speaking of dandruff, don’t forget to also change up your shampoo and conditioner. As the weather changes you’ll want to add a leave-in conditioner. Acuerdate que debajo de ese pelo tienes piel delicada tambien! Choosing richer, creamier options will help keep dandruff at bay and keep your hair feeling soft. Changing to cooler temperature water when you rinse will help close the cuticle of your hair and lock in the moisture. Your hair will look shiny and healthy. Insert hair flick here.

It’s a good idea to keep your moisturizer at the ready for when you step out of the shower. Applying your lotion or crema while your skin is still moist. Asi te aseguras que you’ll get the most out of your moisturizer keeping it soft and smooth for much longer.

Now that you’ve done all this preparation and upkeep, there are some things that if done regularly, will help keep your skin glowing and soft all year round. Y pon atencion porque mas claro no canta un gallo.

Hint: keep a small lotion or cream with you during the day to reapply as needed. It’s a process, this glowing skin, so keep at it. Venden cremitas pequenas that fit perfectly en tu cartera.

Wearing soft cotton socks to bed after slathering some body butter on your feet is THE ultimate concentrated moisture trick I’ve ever come across. I’ve also used Vaseline and seen results the very next day. Imagine making this a daily routine?! Esto es de lo mejor en el verano too! Just sleep with the air conditioner because te hierbe if you don’t.

Wearing microfiber gloves to bed after applying a moisturizing hand cream has the same effect! Yep, it feels a little weird, in my opinion, to sleep with gloves on, but if you can’t sit around for a couple of hours during the day with these bad boys on (I know I can’t) then going to bed with them is really the best option. Amaneces con las manos suavecitas.

When you’re dressing up for your event this holiday season, try using a shimmer lotion, bronzer or powder on exposed skin. This will create a reflective effect that will further enhance you’re already healthy glowing skin. Apply light hair oil to your hairstyle once you’ve teased, brushed, and fluffed your hair to goddess-like stature. Bringing on the glow at every angle is the goal and you know what? You’ve succeeded. Bring on the selfies and group shots because you’re sparkling in diamond-like ways. A fiestar se ha dicho!

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