Ask Lulu



There is something about summer that makes some of us feel alive and new! Must be that summer D and I’m referring to the SUN! However, I’ll take a good D any time of year 🙂

Why is it that summer turns us into taxi cabs? Let me explain…

When you need to hail a taxi cab you know if it’s available instantly by the sign on its rooftop. As humans we often get so busy that we FORGET to turn our signals on. How is it that we all want love yet do not have our “I’m available” sign on? It’s like we’re embarrassed to admit we’re single and looking.

Well, it’s 2019 and we are literally built to love! It’s the equivalent of a strong drug when love hits our system. When I am in LOVE you can’t tell me SH*T! I have no issues sleeping, my house is on point, work flows, I mean there is nothing I can’t do.

How do you turn that signal on? Here are some simple tips…

Put your stupid phone away when in public. This will allow you to make eye contact with other humans and be approachable.

Smile. People underestimate how far a simple smile can take you.

Put effort into your look. You don’t need a glam team to look and feel your best so go ahead and add that “THING” that makes YOU feel your best.

Let people know you’re single and looking. Scary I know, but you don’t know who knows your soulmate!

Most importantly, love yourself AS IS. People think that when they lose 15 pounds life will get better. I’m here to tell you that life is NOW! Trust me when I say:

When the right person for you shows up, you can’t mess things up if you tried! They will love you as is because true love is actually found in our souls and honey, our souls are born ready. Be your true self!

At the end of the day our relationship status doesn’t define us. Being single doesn’t mean something is wrong with you.

Many people in relationships are a HOT MESS and are just there because they are too comfortable and scared to actually leave and find what they deserve.


Whatever brought you to this realization means you haven’t settled! Lulu is so proud of you.

Till next time,
Carol J. Castillo AKA Lulu