“A Message of Hope in the Dark Nights of the Soul” – A Look into The Lifting Memoir By Dana Humphrey


When March 2020 arrived, COVID-19 did as well. While most people had to stay in their apartments or homes and learn how to maneuver and balance working, teaching, and living in the same space every day, there were some who had to do this in a foreign country. Dana Humphrey was one of them.

What started out as a trip for a week-long retreat in Guatemala, turned into a three-month lesson in versatility for Dana. Others were figuring out how to have classrooms and meetings via Zoom during the first few days of quarantine, but Dana was pretty much figuring out where and how to live in South America. Bus tickets and the retreat were canceled. Restaurants and country borders were closed. Dana couldn’t get a flight, but she had plenty of spirit, along with eleven others who found themselves in the same predicament. For two months Dana and her new housemates worked, played, and lived together. What could have been a catastrophic ordeal, turned into a strengthening experience of the mind and the soul.

It also inspired Dana to share her inspirational life story with others in her writing of “May All Beings Be Fed”. Her experience in Guatemala is only one of many facets of her life that Dana shares to show her overall resiliency in life. Told in the voice of Yaya, a “brown-haired, brown-eyed girl who chose to land on earth in the spandex-and-boy-band-infused-eighties”, she learns and grows while making her way through not only the physical traveling of life but also the emotional and mental trials set before her. 

“My intention is to share my story with young women and share a message of hope during the dark nights of the soul,” says Dana about her book.

For every exciting moment told of journeying through foreign countries and music and art festivals, such as Burning Man, there are also the personal issues of traumas and the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Even though world travel is one of her passions, the journey Yaya takes inward to discover herself is the most important one she’ll ever make.

Unapologetically, Dana does not hold back telling her story. After years of seeking validation from others, she finally realized the only validation she needed was from herself. This realization allows for the honest and raw storytelling of how she overcame adversity and awakened herself – body, mind, and spirit. 

You can get this moving, gripping memoir on both Kindle and paperback on Amazon!

Get it Here!

About the author: Dana Humphrey has studied Bikram yoga, meditation, vipassana, Latihan, religion, spirituality, plant medicine, and pets. She has also completed the NYC marathon, NYC triathlon, and an Ironman. She is a Life Coach and Death Doula. Dana was born in Canada, raised in London England, and grew up in Northern California. She identifies as a global citizen and resides in Rockaway Park, on the beach in Queens in NYC.

Connect with Dana:

https://www.facebook.com/danahumphreylifecoach/ https://www.instagram.com/danakhumphrey/ https://twitter.com/danakhumphrey